Five Things You Can Learn From Buddhist Monks About Election Fraud

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If you consider yourself a “starving” actor, you can often still find classes in the local area you can audit for free. Rumble – Dr. Kelli Ward, chairwomen of the Arizona GOP, gives us The Real Story on making elections free and fair again with the latest update from the Maricopa County audit. SKIBINSKI: They score a 25 out of 100 on our ratings system, which gives them a red rating, meaning they have severe credibility issues. “Maricopa County did not spoil any evidence,” and the issues identified by Fann “are either incorrect” or have a “reasonable and valid explanation,” the letter says. Instead, he says if you’re not working, you should find ways to improve your craft by taking an acting class. Loudin-Koubin says the worst thing she sees actors do is apologize as soon as they complete their audition. She often hears, “that was so bad,” and sees the actor make excuses when the director may have actually loved their read.

Loudin-Kubin suggests that since it’s difficult to act with little or no direction, when you are actually given some by the director – pay attention. Just that one little thing can change the mind of the director and make them choose someone else. But Cyber Ninjas? I’m not going to believe a darn thing they say. And that is where I’m here today to call for an immediate forensic audit of the Georgia 2020 Election Audit. Earlier this month, the team auditing the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County, Ariz., reported that the county was refusing to turn over routers or even images of routers to election auditors despite a judge’s order. Meanwhile, we’ve also learned that the former New York City Mayor was conspiring with an employee at the right-wing One America News Network (OAN) to overturn the election results. On Wednesday, former Special Assistant to President Trump Boris Epshteyn told The War Room audience, “The freight train of audits is traveling across the country! Trump statement on forensic audit in Arizona. As that story was breaking on Monday, it was also revealed that the website American Oversight received more than 500 pages from the Arizona Senate of records on Friday related to the sham “audit” of ballots cast in Maricopa County.

No more games from gangsters trying to cover up election fraud should be allowed. Christina A. Cassidy covers voting and Election Audit security for The Associated Press. I believe the preliminary results of the forensic audit of the Windham, NH voting machines as configured on November 3, 2020, show the aging Diebold ES2000 Model A Voting Machines cannot be trusted. While the results of that audit of Dominion voting machines were originally sealed, a Michigan judge ruled that the results of the audit could be released. Arizona’s legislative leaders are now calling for an audit of Maricopa County’s Dominion election software and equipment. Multiple Republicans in the state have criticized the audit, saying the Election Audit was fairly conducted and the results – Biden beat Donald Trump by 10,457 votes, or 0.3 percent of the nearly 3.4 million ballots cast – are accurate. Trump had been requesting help from Raffensperger in investigating the 2020 election and Raffensperger declined to do anything then released the edited telephone conversation.

The call was a precursor to Trump’s infamous call with Zelensky, and both conversations later became a central part of Trump’s first impeachment, where he was accused of soliciting Ukrainian help for his campaign. The audio is of a July 2019 phone call between Giuliani, US diplomat Kurt Volker, and Andriy Yermak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In never-before-heard audio obtained exclusively by CNN, Giuliani can be heard relentlessly pushing and coaxed the Ukrainian government in 2019 to investigate baseless conspiracies about then-candidate Joe Biden. Or he can choose not to act, and allow that legacy to be determined by others. Where the auditor has identified conditions which cast doubt over going concern, but audit evidence confirms that no material uncertainty exists, this ‘close call’ can be disclosed in line with ISA 701. This is because while the auditor may conclude that no material uncertainty exists, they may determine that one, or more, matters relating to this conclusion are key audit matters.

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