Stem Cell Therapies Are Changing Lives Around The World

Stem Cell Research

At Genani, we are undertaking the challenge to help people and treat diseases for which no current treatments are effective.

Aging and most degenerative disease currently do not have effective treatments and are relegated to supportive care. At Genani by using fibroblasts genetically reprogramed into induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS), we are focused on treating these and other diseases through tissue regeneration. Under our patented technology, we inactivate IPS cells so that they, themselves, cannot divide but rather provide local growth and repair factors to your damaged cells and tissue. Our cells are called MaeCells (pronounced My cells) and are a universal nurse cell that repairs any tissue in the human body and functions independent of genetic or immunologic differences between people. The MaeCell is a universal nurse cell.

The MaeCell is being developed to offer new hope for the last untreatable frontier in medicine, i.e. degenerative diseases and aging.