Founded By:

Genani was founded by a group of stem cell researchers, chemists, biomedical engineers, and physicians devoted to using stem cells to help people. Genani comes from the Latin root genesis and means creation.

The founder of Genani, Dr. Burt, pioneered the use of stem cells to treat autoimmune diseases. As a result, stem cell transplantation is now considered by several medical societies as standard medical care for at least two autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis and systemic sclerosis, and stem cell transplantation for autoimmune disease is now going on in universities and medical centers worldwide.

Devoted To:

We exist because we are a collection of natural cells that have developed over millions of years in a natural environment. Genani is devoted to using the natural power of the cell in the last frontier of medicine, i.e. aging and tissue regeneration. Traditional Western medical treatments for disease consist of pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, and radiation.

This has defined the fields of infectious disease, cardiology, and cancer. But there have been virtually no treatments beyond supportive care for aging or tissue degeneration. Using new pluripotent stem cell technology, Genani is devoted to using induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells to treat aged, damaged, or degenerating tissues to reverse the pain, suffering, loneliness, and often hopeless of old age.

Guiding Principles:

Aging (organ degeneration) always causes a loss of function, loss of dignity, loss of independence, and chronic physical and psychological pain and suffering for you and those whom you love. Throughout history humanity has always been walking towards this destructive end. The pain, suffering, and humiliation of old age has always been inevitable. Genani is how we start to fight back.

Our Guiding Principles are RARE:
Respect all life.
Avoid synthetic substances that are toxic to you or the environment.
Reinvest profits back into research to help people
Emphasize cost-effective methods by keeping it simple and practical.